The final touches were being put on, and the site was filled with tension and joy at the steady completion of the project. There was a really good atmosphere.
  • 外部補修とタイル貼り付けや塗装・・・ うーん!可愛い・・私の中の京都×パリ!です。

    Exterior repairs, tiling and painting... Hmmm..! Cute... Kyoto x Paris in my mind!

  • 今年の梅雨は短く、工事工程では助かりました。 いつも青空と雲に見守られ。

    At this time, the rainy season was short, which was helpful in the construction process. We were always watched over by blue skies and clouds.

  • 最終仕上げ に、大工さんも軽やかな リズムにのってフローリング貼りです。

    The carpenters are putting the final touches on the flooring with a light rhythm.

  • 木工事は、全て一人の職人さんの 手で進められました。

    All the wood work was done by a single craftsman.

  • 浴槽も完成!

    でも・・・ 入浴・遊泳禁止ですよ!

    The bathtub is complete! But... Bathing and swimming are not allowed!

  • 【感じるチェアー】




    [Feeling chair].

    I imagined while sitting on the chair. Chanting gratitude... I will feel it.

    "The future..."